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Life Insurance Products

Group Plan

Max Life Group Credit Life Secure Plan


A plan that provides cover against loan in the event of borrower's death during the period of coverage.


  • Protection from defaults
  • Safeguard against NPAs
  • Comprehensive coverage
  • Protect borrowers against loan liabilities
  • Low cost protection


  • Death Benefit-Payable in case of death of the borrower due to any cause (natural or accidental)
  • Surrender Benefit -Payable in case member surrenders the risk cover due to foreclosure or prepayment of loan or any other reason
  • Co-borrower Cover Option- In the event of the death of the primary borrower/ co-borrower due to suicide, cover on the other life will continue as they are independent insurance covers


Minimum age at entry : 15 years (age as on last birthday)
Maximum age at entry : 69 years (age as on last birthday)
Maximum age at Maturity : 70 years (age as on last birthday)
Minimum Policy Term : 1 year
Maximum Policy Term : Till 70 years (age as on last birthday) subject to maximum of 30 years.
Minimum group size : 50 members within a policy year
Maximum group size : No limit, subject to underwriting
Minimum face amount : Rs. 50,000 per member
Face Amount (Per Member):
Minimum Premium : No Limit
Maximum Premium : No limit

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